
Welcome to my project 365.

What is project 365? It is simply where you take a photo a day for 365 days.

Why do project 365? People do it for different reasons but I received a new camera for xmas and in order to get used to using it I decided the best way was to use it often, not just when I schedule a shoot but for everyday things. Project 365 will get me thinking outside the 'box' and make me think more creatively about what I am photographing. If you happen to stop by don't be a blog stalker :) sign up and leave me a message........I hate talking to myself!

Ok well I finished my 365 so now what? For now I'm just going to update a few things that happen so that family members following can still see what we are up to.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Day 181 / 365

Was doing some set ups today with backdrops and Miss A kindly posed for me as well as taking a few shots herself!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Day 180 / 365

My favourite perfume at the moment is flower by Kenzo. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Day 179 / 365

There are some benefits to being up early in the morning.  There was an eerie glow in the sky this morning so I headed outside to have a look around.   The sun was starting to rise and the sky was an array of orange, blue, purple and yellow hues.  As I turned to go back inside after taking this photo I noticed a double rainbow going right across our house but I didn't have time to photograph it.  Within minutes the sun was gone the clouds had rolled in and the rain had started. 

Monday, June 27, 2011


Day 178 / 365

Today was a Max and mummy day!  He skipped school so that we could spend the day together just him and I.  He rarely gets a chance to have me to himself without his sister around and I have come to realise he/we need time to spend together.  I think it is important to give children quality 1:1 time to keep the communication lines open as we all get busy with our lives.  I hope this is something I can do each school term as both children venture into full time school and later on highschool.  We went shopping, he got a haircut and then we went out for lunch. These are the days that mean so much to them and us.


Day 177 / 365

This is by no means a perfect image.  Times like these I wish I had a zoom lens but nevertheless Miss A had her very first dancing concert today. (2nd from the left in front)
 All the children did really well.  This is my final in a week of gratitude and I am grateful that she has these opportunities available to her, grateful that I have sight and hearing so that I can enjoy these concerts with her and grateful to the teachers who teach the classes so that girls can fulfill their dreams.


Day 176 / 365

I am only a couple of chapters into this book that I was given for my birthday but it has made me aware of the awful conditions that women suffer in other countries.  This book highlights how some women have overcome unimaginable hurdles in their lives such as being sold into the sex trade at a young age and they have then gone on to change the world.  I am grateful that I live in a country where women are treated equally, where speech is free and we have choices and we don't live in fear of our children being taken away as these women do.   After reading some of their stories it made me realise we have nothing to complain about.

Friday, June 24, 2011


Day 175 / 365

Children have a natural ability to notice the little things that we often pass over.  How often do you notice a child stop to pick up a leaf, stare in awe at a caterpillar or stop to pick flowers that you pass by every day.  If I didn't have photography in my life I wouldn't notice those little things as often.   Photography has not only given me a creative outlet it has taught me to notice beauty in the world around us and for that I am grateful.  This small insignificant rose petal was lying in our garden and I noticed it as I tipped the sand out of my daughters shoes after school.  It was still filled with water from an earlier rain shower.  

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Day 174 / 365

Time........I am grateful to have the time to spend with my children.  Today Miss A and I went to the shops to get some makeup for her dance concert.  Afterwards we sat in a cafe and shared a choc chip cookie. She had a milkshake and I had a hot chocolate.  As I sat there watching her drink her milkshake and watching the other people in the cafe I realised how lucky I am to be able to have this time with her.  Grateful that there is time in my life to do these little things, grateful that she is still young enough to think hanging with mum is cool and above all grateful to have her in my life.  Life is so fleeting we must make the most of every moment we can.


Day 173 / 365

Ahhh today the sun shone in a bright blue cloudless sky.  It was forcast for rain but I was ever so grateful that was wrong.  I managed to get all my washing dry outside after days of wet weather. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Day 172 / 365

Today was a necessary trip to the grocery store.  For some reason we were running out of everything including toilet paper!   I am grateful that there is a grocery store a mere 2 minute drive from our house (up until a few years ago we had to drive 20 minutes to the nearest shops), grateful also that we can afford to buy what we need plus a few luxury items (aka hot chocolate) and grateful that I had a car to lug it all home in.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Day 171 / 365

Well I've decided to do something a little different this week to challenge myself creatively and mentally.  The images this week are about gratitude.  We all have so much to be grateful for in our lives but how often do we actually stop and think about it? 
Ok so what could todays image possibly have to do with gratitude.  Well as I was doing my housework today and thinking about what I would post I realised that there was gratitude right in front of me.  Naturally there are plenty of other things I would have preferred to be doing and all of them more self indulgent than cleaning the toilets but then I realised what I was missing.  Number one I actually have a house to clean!  It is comfortable and secure and there are many people who are not as fortunate, people who's living conditions are far worse.  Secondly I am fit and healthy enough to do my own housework!  A lot of people are unable to do simple tasks due to health issues etc.  Thirdly there is satisfaction associated with a clean and tidy house.  I feel a sense of accomplishment when its all done even if it only lasts 6 hours until the kids get home from school!  So, as much as I find it a rather mundane task I realise there is gratitude to be found in those simple chores.  I hope everyone can think of something that they were grateful for today.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Day 170 / 365

Not officially today but I'm celebrating anyway!!


Day 169 / 365


Day 168 / 365

Miss A and I worked on this mosaic over quite a few days and finally finished it.


Day 167 / 365

We made these coloured sand candle glasses a long time ago but Miss A spilt hers all over the floor so she had to re-make it.  They are so simple to do yet make a really nice table ornament.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Day 166 / 365

I just picked up a couple of these gorgeous corker hair clips for my daughter.  They are made by the very talented Erika from Hair Flair
I was only able to find Barbie dolls to model for me!


Day 165 / 365

Toasty toes!

Monday, June 13, 2011


Day 164 / 365

so intricately woven, a masterpiece in itself.  delicate yet strong, a signature of new life.


Day 163 / 365

Love the colour of these two.  On the look out for a newborn boy now!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Day 162 / 365

Anyone who knows me knows I cook to live rather than live to cook.  Cooking is a means to an end but I am always looking for simple inspirational recipes.  These are my all time favourite recipe magazines with simple dishes and ingredients you will find anywhere. 


Day 161 / 365

"Today you are you, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive that is you'er than you"
Dr Seuss

You may be our crazy little monster but you are you and we wouldn't change a thing.


Day 160 / 365

The latest addition to the lego collection.  Max had saved all his pocket money to get it!


Day 159 / 365

My first attempt at a smoke image. 


Day 158 / 365

'It's a fragile world she told us.  So walk carefully everywhre you go and we promised
to remember for as long as we could'         
 - storypeople.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 157 / 365

I think I need to practise my action shots.  It wasn't quite what I'd hoped for and I had to dodge the ball a few times but its what he loves to do.


Day 156 / 365

I have noticed a few photographers using little ties on their newborns so I decided to have a go at making one.  Unfortunately this was the only suitable material I had at the time but it was so simple to make.  Am hoping to get out and get some better patterned material this week and whip up a few more.......then I'll just need to find a newborn boy to test it out!

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Day 155 / 365

These are the moments we treasure.  This morning I was told to stay in bed for a sleep in - something I rarely ever get.  I thought the kids were getting their own breakfast but it turned out they were making mine.  I was presented with breakfast in bed, but then they wanted me to get up and have it in the kitchen with them!  Bless them, I am the luckiest mum in the world.


Day 154 / 365

Was a little lacking on inspiration today but the kids popcorn for afternoon snack made an interesting image.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Day 153 / 365

I didn't quite pull this one off as well as I intended.  I was hoping for a classic dreamy window light shot that I could convert to black and white but the model wasn't the most co-operative at the time.  I'm kind of happy with the results though.   


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Day 152 / 365

It's been raining a lot lately....not the best weather to go out and photograph.  Times like this I would love to have a macro lens.........!!


Day 151 / 365

I went outside the other day to photograph something and she followed me out.  I turned around and she was taking a photo of the sun filtering through the trees.  I love that she has learnt to see things like that.  I often give them challenges to find something in particular to photograph, it gets them thinking creatively.