
Welcome to my project 365.

What is project 365? It is simply where you take a photo a day for 365 days.

Why do project 365? People do it for different reasons but I received a new camera for xmas and in order to get used to using it I decided the best way was to use it often, not just when I schedule a shoot but for everyday things. Project 365 will get me thinking outside the 'box' and make me think more creatively about what I am photographing. If you happen to stop by don't be a blog stalker :) sign up and leave me a message........I hate talking to myself!

Ok well I finished my 365 so now what? For now I'm just going to update a few things that happen so that family members following can still see what we are up to.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Day 150 / 365

The virus was worse than man flu........it was terminal, there was nothing more that could be done.       On the upside, I now have a brand new computer which is much faster than the last one and more up to date.  On the downside it is going to take forever to get files off the old computer and reload them.  


Day 149 / 365

I usually leave the car washing to Mike but it really needed doing!!


Day 148 / 365

The best way to start any morning is with a hot cuppa.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Day 147 / 365

I love that you notice the flowers as we walk home from school.  You cannot walk past without wanting to pick one for your vase.


Day 146 / 365

It's not meant to be until spring but these bulbs are getting ready to bloom.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Day 145 / 365

'Have you noticed how there is just enough time in the day for the things that matter'


Day 144 / 365

Every now and then things happen that take you back and remind you of your own childhood.  Things that you thought you had long forgotten.  Lately while walking to school the children have found marbles in the grass so they have started collecting them.  It reminded me of the days when we played marbles at school and how precious those little round glass balls became.

Monday, May 23, 2011

M IS FOR..........

Day 143 / 365


The plain and simple mandarin.  Easy to peel, full of vitamins, comes pre-cut and really tasty.


Day 142 / 365

I love the colour of these little flowers that grow on a bush in our garden.  It was getting late in the afternoon and the best light I could find was actually in the bathroom.  Bathrooms are great because they are usually white and therefore reflect light well.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Day 141 / 365

Well after a bit of a false start I have finished not 1 but 2 princess crowns.  I'm really happy with the way they turned out and were so easy to make too.  Unfortunately Miss A was already in bed when I finished and took these photos but I"m sure she will model for me another time.


140 / 365

Today was an annual walk to school day, to encourage children to walk instead of getting a ride.  We walk to school most days now that the weather is cooler but today was overcast and rainy.  We still did our bit by walking but the streets were pretty deserted, I think sadly most people didn't want to risk getting wet.  


Day 139 / 365

It was a rough day...looking forward to a new day tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Day 138 / 365

There is a heron that lives in the lakes and creeks where we live.  Ever since my children have been babies and have gone walking in these areas we would look out for 'Mr Heron' who would be wading in the water looking for food.  I couldn't get much closer today before he gave me the flick and flew away but one of these days I'll get a good shot of him.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Day 137 / 365

I took Miss A out this afternoon for a few shots in the park.  She was very obliging and keen to pose in all sorts of places.  This is probably my fav image from those I took. She even took her own camera to get some shots for herself.

...And because I can't just stop at one image!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Day 136 / 365

With the kids at school today I had visions of photographing a nice serene image for my blog, however today I did something that really deserves a mention even just to say 'I did it'!!  No I didn't go skydiving, however I think that may have been preferable.  Today folks I joined the party - The Zumba Party!  Ever since Zumba became the latest exercise craze I admit to being curious.  I love music, I love dance so put these two together and call it exercise it sounds like my type of thing.
So this morning I donned my exercise gear, dropped the kids off at school and joined the party.
Well when people tell you "once you get the hang of it its easy" DON'T BELIEVE THEM!
What they fail to tell you is that it may take you 6 months or more to "get the hang of it" by which time it may take another 6 months to recover and by then they will have changed the music and routines so you could be back to square one.  The instructor was like a super charged pocket rocket.  I mean whatever she has for breakfast, I want some.....actually I need some.  She is the most energectic and motivational person I have seen in a long time and I am eternally grateful she didn't make too much eye contact with me.
I can see why people would love this type of exercise as long as your body can withstand it.  I thought I was relatively co-ordinated but apparently I am not.  I think I would benefit from a class run in 1st gear and then maybe my body and mind would keep up with each other.  Personally I am not sure I will be able to get out of bed tomorrow, I think my whole body is screaming WTH were you thinking!!  As I walked home on legs that felt strangely numb I found myself actually looking forward to the easier task of housework.
Has Zumba recruited another exercise fan?  Lets see how the body holds out over the next few days, but at least I can say I tried it.  I can now cross that off my list of things to try.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Day 135 / 365

My son asked me the other day why I had taken a photo of something as ordinary as a stalk of wheat.  I explained that it may just be an plain old stalk of wheat that most people wouldn't have even noticed but as a photographer it is a challenge to find those ordinary things and show them in their beauty.  We pass over things every day without actually 'seeing' them for what they are.


Day 134 / 365

Max has decided to join a soccer club which is great because he really loves the game but was hesitant to get out there and learn the sport properly.  So our Saturdays are now taken up with dancing and soccer.  I love sitting and watching them participate in their different activities, putting themselves out there to do something that makes them happy.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


133 / 365

I was reading today about the latest 'craze' to hit the country amongst young people.  Apparently it is called 'planking' and there is nothing cooler than finding the most awkward spot to do it and then have someone photograph it to put online.  Well I decided to join the craze today and put up my own version of so-called 'planking'.  These guys have to be the best at it they stayed there for hours.
(Can you tell I was all out of ideas for images today.......!)
If you have no idea what 'planking' is check out this link - plankers 


Day 132 / 365

Miss A spotted a really cool princess crown the other day in the dress up box at our local library.  After thinking about it for a while I decided to try my hand at making one myself so we went to spotlight and chose some material and fancy bits to go on it.  Here's hoping it is as easy as it looked!! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Day 131 / 365

Woohoo I've finally caught up and should be on the right day now!  Back to my everyday photos from now on.  I have been reading this book recently.  If anyone is familiar with Eckhart Tolle his ideas and practises are certainly food for thought.  I first heard of him and his work a few years ago when he appeared on Oprah doing a review on his book A New Earth.  This book is a follow up to The Power of Now and teaches mindfulness practises and meditations.   Definately worth a read in my opinion.


Day 130 / 365

I remember making these things when I was young although I don't remember them being called 'chatterboxes'.  Max made me one for Mothers day and on the inside was things like "have a hug, help with the dishes, go out for lunch" etc. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Day 129 / 365

We bought this glass ornament in NZ.  I love the meaning attached to it.


Day 128 / 365

I love all the handmade cards and gifts the children make for mothers day.  Max bought his home from school on Friday and nagged me silly to let him give it to me then and there.  In the end I gave in and he gave me his gifts.  Arnica on the other hand was contented to wait until Mothers Day.


127 / 365

Having seen my mum and dads awesome vege garden I got inspired to get some veges into ours, so the weekend was spent in the garden.


Day 126 / 365

Its only just Autum here but I couldn't believe how much my spring bulbs had shot up while we were away.  Can't wait for them to flower.


Day 125 / 365

These little dudes travelled NZ with us.  The kids were allowed to buy a souvenir to bring home and chose these cute little kiwis.


Day 124 / 365

"I restore myself when I am alone"
Marilyn Monroe


Day 123 / 365

Ok so my days seem to be in a bit of a muddle so I'm going to poke a couple of fill in images to get up to day.  I'm almost caught up!!
This pooch is very spoilt and loved the attention the kids gave her while we were at mum and dads.  I think they equally loved having a dog small enough to cuddle too!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Not one of my 365 photos but had to put it up for those who have inspired me to try backlighting.
I have wanted to try a back/side lit portrait for a while now but haven't had the right opportunity until now.  My niece was the perfect model with her dark hair and the lighting was spot on at the time.  I find with my daughter being blonde her hair just blows out but it was much easier with a darker haired model.  I love the result and will make a point to practise it more!


Day 122 / 365

.......and what do we do when we arrive home?  Washing, washing and more washing.  Good to be home though and very grateful for the sunshine.


Day 121 / 365

Homeward bound from Christchurch Airport. 


Day 120 / 365

We visited Lake Tekapo while in the South Island.  There is this little church right in front of the lake with the most exquisite views.  Everyone who goes there takes this photo through the front window of the church so I thought I'd better get in on the act and take my own.  During winter the snow covers the surrounding mountains and ground, but on this day there was very little to see.

Another shot from the same area because I couldn't choose....except this one is from up upon Mount John.  The view was out of this world and the weather couldn't have been more perfect.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


DAY 119 / 365

There were many photos I could have chosen for this day.  This particular spot we visited was absolutely gorgeous in the late afternoon light.  Just perfect for a few shots and a quick practise at backlighting which I will post later.  There was a field of dandelions which the kids loved.


Day 118 / 365

This is what I mean about NZ landscape having many layers and colours.  This was taken on our way to Christchurch in the South Island.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Day 117 / 365

Blenheim is a huge grape growing area and almost every inch of spare land has a vineyard on it now.  The scenery is just beautiful especially as the autum colours are starting to show against the blue of the mountains.


Day 116 / 365

"Grandfathers are just antique little boys"

Our children met their grandparents for the first time in 7 years which means Miss A had never met them until now.  I love this photo because it shows that although they were strangers to each other there was an instant bond and acceptance.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Day 115 / 365

The Autumn colours are stunning in NZ at this time of year.  Unfortunately the weather in Blenheim wasn't the best but we still managed to get out and about most days.


Day 114 / 365

Easter sunday we crossed from the North Island to the South Island via the Interisland Ferry.  These ferries are huge and carry not only people but cars and animals.  There are cafes, bars, play areas and lounges on board.  It took about 3.5 hours to get across the Cook Strait.  Unfortunately the weather wasn't good for photos which was a shame because the Marlborough Sounds which you pass through are truly beautiful on a nice day.


Day 113 / 365

The Maori people do some amazing wood carvings.  This one is at a museum called Te Papa which is in Wellington, NZ.  We spent many hours exploring NZ history and culture there.


Day 112 / 365

Hurray we finally found some snow!!  This was taken after we left a small town called Taupo and headed down the North Island towards Wellington.  It is the famous Mt Ruapehu and was the first sign of snow we had come across.
It was just before this photo was taken that we became aware that Miss A gets carsick.  I should have know because she can get sick from a swing let alone NZ roads that are somewhat windy and narrow compared to those in Australia!!  Sadly she threw up along the desert road just prior to this so we had to stop and try to clean her and the car with just a small pack of wet wipes!  The temperature seriously felt like it was sub zero degrees outside the car and the poor child had to be stripped and re dressed......ahh the joys of travelling with children.

Closer to Wellington we came across another classic Kiwi icon.......the Kiwi Loo.  Yes folks its a roadside toilet.  They have them in all different colours too.  Better than a bush I guess!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Day 111 / 365

Another exciting day in Rotorua.  This time we rode on the luge which goes from the top of a very tall hill.  Luckily there were gondolas to take us to the top and once you had made it to the bottom there were chair lifts to take you and the luges back to the top for another hair-raising ride downhill.  You could seriously spend a week in Rotorua and still find lots to do.  Such a great place.

Same day different location.  This is the Huka falls near Taupo.  Awesome scenery and an amazing waterfall.


Day 110 / 365

This image was taken in Rotorua at a place call Te Puia.  Rotorua is so rich in Maori culture as well as being the epi centre of hot pools, geysers, boiling mud and much much more.  We were welcomed onto this Marae and treated to a show in Maori culture including this one which was the famous NZ Haka!

A post about Rotorua wouldn't be complete without a photo of the famous boiling mud pools.  Not easy to tell from this image but the mud is actually boiling and you can see the steam coming up from it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Day 109 / 365

Coming from Australia the thing that struck us the most with NZ is how green the land is.  As we drove around the countryside it struck me that there were many many layers to the  landscape which makes it very beautiful.  Having lived there for all my childhood I never fully appreciated it but now I can see why people rave about the scenery in NZ.  It truly is a beautiful land and a photographers dream.
Day 108 / 365

Today we visited the Museum of Transport and Technology in Auckland.  Even though the weather wasn't the best we still all had fun including Miss A who enjoyed trying on different glasses in the toy museum.

And a bit of a plug for the older cousin who have a band called Vito Vega.  They are both very talented musicians and are hoping to make some success in the music industry.  Their music can be found HERE  Unfortunately we didn't get to go to a gig but they did give us a demo at home and then let the kids try out the drum kit!