Day 206 / 365
Well I for one have really enjoyed these past school holiday. I've enjoyed having the children home together, enjoyed the slower mornings, enjoyed the change of pace, enjoyed the outings and catching up with friends. I think now that they are both at school the holidays are more valuable as family time, a time to come together and re-group and a unit. This was taken on the last day of school holidays and these two had played together the whole day.
On another note I realised that I am always trying to get my images done during the day while there is still good light and have often missed a good moment because the lighting wasn't good or something. I have a good speedlight flash for my camera which intimidates me at times but I am determined to master it so for the rest of the week I am going to use it for my images and see if I can become friends with it. We will see how it goes - the proof will be in the photos!!