
Welcome to my project 365.

What is project 365? It is simply where you take a photo a day for 365 days.

Why do project 365? People do it for different reasons but I received a new camera for xmas and in order to get used to using it I decided the best way was to use it often, not just when I schedule a shoot but for everyday things. Project 365 will get me thinking outside the 'box' and make me think more creatively about what I am photographing. If you happen to stop by don't be a blog stalker :) sign up and leave me a message........I hate talking to myself!

Ok well I finished my 365 so now what? For now I'm just going to update a few things that happen so that family members following can still see what we are up to.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Day 59 / 365

Mother nature had something to say today and she was not going to be ignored.  After weeks of hot, humid weather the rain clouds rolled in today.  Just as the children came out from school the raindrops started......we got soaked but it didn't matter, it cooled us down.  Mother nature wasn't quite finished though and unleashed wildness for the next 30 minutes.  Trees came down, roofs were torn off and roads flooded.  It hailed, it rained and it blew and then when all was said and done she left us a rainbow.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Day 58 / 365

" Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures".  (JFK)

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Day 57 / 365

What do you do when you are in the middle of a heatwave and the temperature has been around 40 degrees for days on end.  They are hot and sick of being inside..........!
You send them outside with water pistols, super soakers and a bucket of water balloons and sit back and capture the action.  They were having so much fun I told them they could stay out until it got dark.  They then willingly picked up all the broken water balloons off the back lawn.  I love these action shots and how they tell the story of how much fun they had.  Moments like these make childhood memories.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Day 56 / 365

+ 54% Humidity........makes for a very hot and uncomfortable day.  Icy poles were a short term relief but you had to eat them fast.  I think standing in the freezer would have been a better option.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Day 55 / 365

What is it about fairy tales that children love.  Personally I find them quite sad and depressing what with people dying, and being quite evil to each other but this has become a bedtime favourite for Miss A.  As much as I try to hide these books and direct her to something more bedtime friendly she insists on having me read these.  

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Day 54 / 365

This weeks project 52 theme is circles.  There were sooo many options for this one but getting a ripple effect from water was one of the first ideas that I thought of.  I read up on a tutorial for this and decided to give it a go.  Well firstly it is a little more technical than it looks and I think I'll give it another go sometime because I wasn't all that happy with my results.  All that aside it was actually quite fun experimenting with colours etc and I find with every shoot I  I learn a little more about something.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Day 53 / 365

Not the most interesting photo I know but it is everyday ordinariness!  I don't watch a lot of t.v but I do have a few favourites at the moment that I like to watch so I thought I'd add them to the blog.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Day 51 / 365

Today she wanted to be a fairy.  I walked by her bedroom and she was sitting quietly in the corner.  I asked her what she was doing and she replied "I'm thinking of what to wish for".  She got this 'magical wishing stone' from the forest fairies on her 4th birthday and she was wishing for more barbie dolls.   Being the sweet soul she is she put in a few wishes for her brother too for more lego!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Day 50 / 365

'The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence.  When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers'.   (Thich Nhat Hanh)

I love fragrant flowers and these Gardenias have the most gorgeous scent.  In the evenings once the heat of the day has subsided you can smell them as soon as you walk outside.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Day 49 / 365

Having bought some lollipops to use as props for the kids I decided it would be a lot less mess and tooth decay to actually make my own out of clay.  I made these from Sculpey Clay and they were super quick to make and came out quite colourful.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Day 48 / 365

Yay it finally arrived from the US.  My new camera bag that doesn't really look like a camera bag.  Now I won't have to lug around a heavy backpack with all my stuff in it.  This bag is much more user friendly and fits the camera and a couple of lenses plus room for a phone and purse etc. Thanks to Janine King Designs you can see their bags  here .


Day 47 / 365

'Her feet moved like small creatures over the floor, quiet and unconcerned with anything but the business of dancing'.

This afternoon was insanely HOT!  After a long day at school they just wanted to sit quietly and watch t.v.  She still had the energy though to dance to Angelina Bellerina.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Day 46 / 365

There seems to be a bit of a food theme going on here....I met up with some lovely mums today for a morning tea get together.  It gave me an opportunity to make these cheesecake bites which seemed easy in theory......actually they tasted better than they looked. 

Monday, February 14, 2011


Day 45 / 365

Well seeing as its Valentines day I had to try something special.  Happy Valentines day everyone.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Day 44 / 365

This weeks project 52 challenge was 'five'.  It was a bit of a challenge to come up with something a little more creative than 5 fingers....

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Day 43 / 365

Tonight we went out for dinner to a restaurant fairly close to home.  The food was yummy and we sat outside where we could watch the kids play in a small playground.  They had a great time and we managed to relax a little and enjoy our meals while they played.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Day 42 / 365

Just like the advertisement says, every now and then I buy my own little moment.  Not that I win much but I did notice this one had the word 'project' in it so maybe it will be lucky!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Day 41 / 365

'I've always liked the time before dawn because there is no-one around to remind me who I am supposed to be so its easier to remember who I am'    (storypeople)

I love this quote so I decided to add my own photograph to it.  I have wanted to do a sunrise shoot for a while and finally organised to do it this morning.  I didn't have to get up too insanely early to catch it.  It was beautiful out there, the air was crisp, the colours gorgeous and only the birds for company.  Everyone should make an attempt to do this once in a while - it will uplift you.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Day 40 / 365

"Mummy why are you taking a photo of that....why don't you take a photo of something beautiful?"  "Like you?" I replied............well this is one of the many facial expressions she gave me.  This was her 'surprised' look.  It is so her.  Tough, caring, joyful, spirited, sweet and sometimes challenging but I wouldn't change a thing.
Oh and confession time.......I actually took this photo yesterday but couldn't pass up the chance to post it. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Day 39 / 365

' All I really need is love but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt'.

Mike and Max shared this cake today for their birthdays.  Max insisted on me buying a chocolate one rather than making one - that may say something about my baking abilities!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Day 38 / 365

"Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life"  (Rachel Carson)

Late afternoon as I'm in the kitchen cooking dinner I can look out the window and see the two large trees in our garden.  I love the way the sunlight filters through the leaves as it sets in the sky and the little birds chirp as they flit in and out of the branches. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Day 37 / 365

I have wanted to get one of these bath shots for a while and when Miss A wanted to have a bath this morning to play with her new barbie mermaid it gave me the perfect opportunity.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Day 36 / 365

She came to me yesterday asking for help to write all the words on a little alphabet game she was given.  She listened to the words as she pressed the buttons then copied the letters down onto her paper.  I hope I never stop being amazed by them.


Day 35 / 365

 The theme this week for project 52 was white.  I had a few ideas but really liked the simple clean lines of this.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Day 34 / 365

I picked up this little treasure for free today........it may well be a replica but with a bit of a tidy up it will make a great prop.  Can't wait to try it out.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Day 33 / 365

" It is your resistance to what is that causes your suffering"  (Buddha)

Today was the first day back at school after summer holidays and a day that symbolised big changes.  My 'baby' girl started school today, it was the first time in her life she was away from me for any length of time and the first time in 8 years that I have had a day without either one of my children.  I kept reminding myself of the quote and although I knew that this day would come and to resist it would be fruitless it was still heartwrenching to say goodbye and walk away.  I was so happy to have them both back at the end of the day, excited and happy to tell me about their day at school.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Day 32 / 365

In preparation for school returning tomorrow we did some baking and I had my usual kitchen hand helping me.  She loves to help bake just like her brother did.........